Spinal Decompression Therapy in West Hartford
What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?
Spinal Decompression Therapy is a proven non-surgical approach for pain relief and healing. It reduces pressure on the spinal discs and facet joints to enhance healing through unloading created by distraction and positioning. Decompression Therapy effectively reduces the pain associated with spinal facet syndromes, disc bulging, disc herniation, degenerative discs, spondylolisthesis, and radiating pain such as sciatica and carpal tunnel. In many cases, it can help patients avoid surgery and the many risks associated with such an invasive procedure.

What Should I Expect?
Decompression Therapy begins with a series of sessions 3 times per week, each lasting approximately 8-12 minutes. The majority of patients experience initial relief within just a few sessions.
Decompression Therapy can be performed on the same visit as a Chiropractic adjustment. Your Chiropractor may prescribe specific home rehab exercises designed to help you regain proper control and strength of the stabilization muscles to help create long term benefits.
Book You Appointment
Contact us today to set up a spinal decompression therapy appointment.